
【課程公告】113-1學期選課注意事項 Course Announcement for 113-1 Semester

113年度第1期選課相關注意事項,請務必詳閱註冊組「113-1學期學生選課事宜」公告 (https://reurl.cc/AjG8RZ)


1. A-選課時程:7/15(一) 9:00 - 7/19(五) 17:00 第一階段網路選課
                          8/27(二) 13:00 - 8/30(五) 17:00 第二階段網路選課
                          9/9(一) 9:00 - 9/18(三) 17:00 第三階段網路選課
                          9/23(一) 9:00 - 9/25(三) 17:00 特殊因素系辦選課
  B-選課確認階段:9/26(四) 9:00 - 9/30(一) 17:00 [未上網確認者,日後若發現選課錯誤不得有異議]
  C-線上退選階段:9/23(一) 9:00 – 12/6(五) 17:00

2.本學程113-1學期開設之「W1-004 永續發展實習」為彈性密集課程,選課前請務必確認勿與其他課程時間衝突,衝堂者以退選處理,並以零分計算

3. 請於2024.10.15 (二)前,繳交113-1學期「課程選修表」(附件1)至學程辦公室。

4. 113-1學期經學程課程委員會通過後與其他系所合開永續相關領域課程如下,鼓勵同學可於不衝堂之情況,多選擇與研究相關跨領域課程,


113學年度第1學期 與其他系所合開英語授課課程清單
學院 學系 課名 學分/
授課老師 課程概述 備註
規劃設計學院 都計所 空間規劃理論與實務 3/選修 黃偉茹 課程分為三個部分,以趨勢、背景、規劃系統的選擇性比較及規劃實踐中,創造新興主題。 如需修課可向授課教師申請加簽
管理學院 交管所 永續運輸 3/選修 鄭祖睿 永續運輸包含了可及性、社會公平、安全、以及效率,並借國際案例,探討永續運輸的政策與法規、多層次治理、國際夥伴關係、國際發展等面向。 開課序號
工學院 資源所 環境地球化學 3/選修 陳卉君 本課程涉及化學原理在環境問題中的應用。 內容包含:化學基礎、熱力學、碳酸鹽系統及pH值控制、黏土礦物及離子交換等 開課序號
水利所 海域水動力學 3/選修 陳佳琳
介紹海岸水動力學、海洋結構物受力、流場分析、漂砂、泥沙、沖刷、作用力的分析與計算等 需曾修習

氣候變遷衝擊與調適 3/選修 王筱雯 課程內容包含五大部分,分別為1.氣候變遷情境推估 2.氣候繁衍模式與水文模式 3.風險評估 4.調適策略 5.韌性水城市設計 大學部課程
自災學程 防災概論 3/必修 蔡文柄*
針對各種自然防災管理介紹和說明,教導學生基本防災概念與自然災害管理技術,以利未來防災專業領域學習環境的養成 開課序號
能源學程 太陽熱能 3/選修 張克勤 針對太陽能的一般和基礎物理學介紹,並藉以成為太陽能工程技術研究和開發的知識基礎。 內容涵蓋從太陽能源、太陽幾何、太陽輻射性質到太陽能熱應用。 開課序號
環工所 環工數學原理 3/選修 張智華*
本課程幫助學生了解如何開發和應用數學方法(分析方法和數值方法)來解決環境工程中的常見建模問題 如需修課可向授課教師申請加簽
環工生物原理 3/選修 黃良銘 課程分三部分介紹基礎微生物學、微生物基因學及微生物生態。整體討論環工生物程序中常發生的微生物生態現象與觀念,探討對環工生物程序的影響,及分析微生物生態之傳統與分子生物方法。 開課序號
測量所 地理空間科技與災害管理 3/選修 洪榮宏 以地理空間科技近年之理論與技術發展為主軸,涵蓋資訊系統、物聯網、網路平台、預警及示警機制、社群媒體、應變決策等課題 需曾修習地理資訊系統相關課程(W1-008)
空間環境資料分析與模式 3/選修 朱宏杰 藉由分析與探討空間環境資料的特性,介紹常用空間資料分析模式包括空間自相關、空間資料內插以及水文數值模式等為主 開課序號
政經所 救災體系 3/選修 楊永年 讓學生熟悉災難管理的理論與實務,以及如何運用這些理論分析與解決災難管理問題 開課序號
經濟所 天然災害經濟分析 3/選修 郭彥廉 介紹天災損失估計方法、天災經濟影響分析、氣候變遷衝擊與調適、家戶減災行為、天災保險、天災脆弱度、社會脆弱度與回復力、風險知覺與溝通等 開課序號

5. 非成績優異者,學生持超(減)修學分申請表(減修無需授課老師簽核)須依流程辦理。


Please read the Registration Office's "113-1 Semester NCKU Notice of Course Enrollment Announcement" (https://reurl.cc/nNWod6) for details on course selection for the 113-1 semester.

Here are the key points:
   1. ØA: Course Enrollment Schedule:
        First stage online enrollment: 7/15 (Mon) 9:00 - 7/19 (Fri) 17:00
        Second stage online enrollment: 8/27 (Tue) 13:00 - 8/30 (Fri) 17:00
        Third stage online enrollment: 9/9 (Mon) 9:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 17:00
        Special circumstances department enrollment: 9/23 (Mon) 9:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 17:00
     ØB: Course enrollment confirmation: 9/26 (Thu) 9:00 - 9/30 (Mon) 17:00

        [Note: If you do not confirm online, you cannot dispute any course enrollment errors later.]
     ØC: Online Withdrawal Phase: 9/23 (Mon) 9:00 - 12/6 (Fri) 17:00

  1. The "W1-004 Field Studies for Sustainable Development" offered in the 113-1 semester is a flexible intensive course.
    Before enrolling, ensure that it does not conflict with other courses. If there is a time conflict, you will be withdrawn from the course, and it will be counted as a zero grade.
    (Students must sign to confirm no schedule conflicts and submit their course schedule during the first week of class)

  1. Please submit the "Course Enrollment Sheet" (Attachment 1) to the program office by 2024.10.15 (Tue).

  1. The following interdisciplinary courses related to sustainability will be offered in collaboration with other departments for the 113-1 semester.
    Students are encouraged to choose interdisciplinary courses related to their research, provided there is no scheduling conflict.
    Some courses require prior knowledge in the related field. Evaluate your academic background before enrolling. (Some courses cannot be enrolled directly and require in-class instructor approval to add the course.)
    International Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies
    2024 fall semester list of EMI courses jointly offered with other departments (113-1 semester)
    College Department Course Name Credit/
    Elective Required
    Instructor Syllabus Remark
    Planning & Design Urban Planning SPATIAL PLANNINGTHEORY AND PRACTICE 3/elective Huang, Wei-Ju  The course is divided into three parts: trends, background, comparative selection of planning systems, and creating emerging themes in planning practice. You can request to add the class from the instructor.
    Management Transportation & Communication Management Science SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION 3/elective Cheng, Tsu-Jui Sustainable transportation covers accessibility, social equity, safety, and efficiency. It explores policies and regulations, multi-level governance, international partnerships, and development through international case studies. Serial No.
    Engineering Resources Engineering ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY 3/elective Chen,
    This course involves the application of chemical principles to environmental issues. Topics include chemical basics, thermodynamics, carbonate systems and pH control, clay minerals, and ion exchange. Serial No.
    Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs INTRODUCTORY OFFSHORE HYDRODYNAMICS 3/elective Chen, Jia-Lin & Wu, Yun-Ta Introduction to coastal hydrodynamics, forces on marine structures, flow field analysis, sediment transport, erosion, and force analysis and calculation. Must have taken courses in Engineering Mathematics and Fluid Mechanics.
    IMPACT AND ADAPTATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE 3/elective Wang, Hsiao-Wen The course covers five main parts: 1. Climate change scenario estimation 2. Climate proliferation and hydrological models 3. Risk assessment 4. Adaptation strategies 5. Resilient water city design. Undergraduate course (non-credit), encouraged to take for enhancing foundational environmental knowledge.
    Natural Hazards Mitigation & Management INTRODUCTION TO DISASTER MITIGATION AND MANAGEMENT 3/elective Tsai,
    Wen-Ping etc.
    This course introduces various natural disaster management techniques, teaching basic disaster prevention concepts and natural disaster management skills for future professional learning in disaster prevention. Serial No.
    Energy Engineering SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY 3/elective Chang, Keh-Chin Introduction to general and basic physics of solar energy, forming the knowledge foundation for solar engineering technology research and development. Topics include solar energy, solar geometry, solar radiation properties, and solar thermal applications. Serial No.
    Environmental Engineering MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 3/elective Chang, Chih-Hua &
    This course helps students understand how to develop and apply mathematical methods (analytical and numerical) to solve common modeling problems in environmental engineering. You can request to add the class from the instructor.
    BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 3/elective Whang, Liang-Ming The course is divided into three parts: basic microbiology, microbial genetics, and microbial ecology. It discusses microbial ecological phenomena and concepts in environmental engineering processes, their impact, and traditional and molecular biological methods for microbial ecology analysis. Serial No.
    Geomatics GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT 3/elective Hong, Jung-Hong Focuses on recent theoretical and technological developments in geospatial technology, covering information systems, IoT, web platforms, early warning mechanisms, social media, and response decision-making. Must have taken courses related to GIS
    SPATIAL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS AND MODEL 3/elective Chu, Hone-Jay Analyzes and discusses the characteristics of spatial environmental data, introducing commonly used spatial data analysis models including spatial autocorrelation, spatial data interpolation, and hydrological numerical models. Serial No.
    Social Science Law DISASTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3/elective Yang, Yung-Nane Familiarize students with disaster management theories and practices, and how to apply these theories to analyze and solve disaster management problems. Serial No.
    Economics ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF NATURAL DISASTER 3/elective Kuo, Yen-Lien Introduce methods for estimating natural disaster losses, analyzing economic impacts of disasters, climate change impacts and adaptation, household mitigation behaviors, disaster insurance, disaster vulnerability, social vulnerability and resilience, risk perception, and communication. Serial No.

  1. Students who are not top performers must follow the procedure for applying for extra (or reduced) credits. (Reduced credit applications do not need the instructor's signature.)
    Unauthorized over-enrollment beyond 31 credits is not allowed. Violations will result in the cancellation of courses based on the enrollment time sequence.
    Department staff cannot sign additional courses for students. Please follow these guidelines carefully to avoid any issues with your course enrollment.