
【雙語辦公室】2025 Grand Challenge 臺灣SDGs議題英文海報競賽 2025 Grand Challenge: Taiwan SDGs English Poster Competition is here!

發佈日期 : 2025-02-19

2025 Grand Challenge 臺灣SDGs議題英文海報競賽」來了!歡迎同學踴躍報名參加,最高可獲5萬元獎金!🏆
2025 Grand Challenge: Taiwan SDGs English Poster Competition is here! Students are encouraged to participate—win up to NTD 50,000 in prizes! 🏆

競賽目的 Competition Purpose

This competition aims to cultivate globally competitive talents with insights into Taiwan’s issues and their SDGs connections. It encourages students to integrate course knowledge with global challenges, express their ideas in English, and enhance their international perspective and critical thinking skills.

參加對象 Eligibility & Team Composition

1. 大學組:公私立大專校院113-2學期大學部在校學生(含外籍生)。
2. 碩博組:公私立大專校院113-2學期碩博班在校學生(含外籍生),且非在職專班學生。
3. 碩博組每隊須有指導教授(大學組不須有指導教授)。
4. 參賽學生可跨學系或跨院校,每隊1-3人(不含指導教授),個人不得重複參加。
1. Undergraduate Division: Open to undergraduate students (including international students) enrolled in the 113-2 semester at public or private universities.
2. Graduate Division: Open to master's and doctoral students (including international students) enrolled in the 113-2 semester, excluding part-time or executive programs.
3. Graduate teams must have a faculty advisor (not required for undergraduate teams).
4. Teams can be interdisciplinary and inter-university, consisting of 1-3 members (excluding the faculty advisor). Each participant can only join one team.

報名方式 Registration Method

Complete the Google form and submit the required documents within the form. Link: https://forms.gle/rtje3kLzYoAwaAv57

初審收件日期 Preliminary Submission Deadline

即日起 至 2025年4月13日(星期日)23:59止     From now until April 13, 2025 (Sunday) at 23:59

競賽時程 Competition Timeline

1. 初審入圍公告:2025年5月5日(星期一)
2. 決賽繳件截止日:2025年6月9日(星期一)23:59止
3. 決賽暨頒獎典禮:2025年6月21日(星期六;時間及地點另行公告)
1. Preliminary Round Finalists Announcement: May 5, 2025 (Monday)
2. Final Submission Deadline: June 9, 2025 (Monday) at 23:59
3. Final Competition & Award Ceremony: June 21, 2025 (Saturday; time and location to be announced)
※ The organizer reserves the right to modify the schedule and details.

獎勵辦法 Awards & Prizes

第一名:獎金新台幣5萬元、獎狀乙幀 (大學組、碩博組各一名)
第二名:獎金新台幣3萬元、獎狀乙幀 (大學組、碩博組各一名)
第三名:獎金新台幣1萬元、獎狀乙幀 (大學組、碩博組各一名)
優選獎:獎金新台幣6,000元、獎狀乙幀 (大學組、碩博組各三名)
最佳社會影響力獎:獎金新台幣5,000元、獎狀乙幀 (大學組、碩博組各一名)
入圍獎:獎金新台幣5,000元、獎狀乙幀 (大學組、碩博組各四名)

1st Place: NTD 50,000 + Certificate (One team per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
2nd Place: NTD 30,000 + Certificate (One team per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
3rd Place: NTD 10,000 + Certificate (One team per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
Merit Award: NTD 6,000 + Certificate (Three teams per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
Best Social Impact Award: NTD 5,000 + Certificate (One team per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
Most Popular Online Award: NTD 5,000 + Certificate (One team per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
Finalist Award: NTD 5,000 + Certificate (Four teams per category: Undergraduate & Graduate)
※ According to the tax regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan), taxes will be deducted from the cash prizes.
※ Except for the Most Popular Online Award and Best Social Impact Award, participants may not receive multiple prizes.
